Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Daddy, I'm hungry...."

This is gonna be a two part, punch you in the gut post.... here we go.  So last night I'm sitting in church (The Well), and Ed starts talking about his kids.  He gives this real elaborate story about how his daughter wouldn't eat dinner and later complains about being hungry.  What he said made me really start to think....  his daughter looks up at him and says "Daddy, I'm hungry".  I thought, how terribly perfect this statement was.  Got to thinkin about how, (no offense to my friends who are reading this right now), dull and uneventful my life has been lately.  I've been having this craving for something more, as if I knew I was missing something that I used to have, and all of a sudden,.... it was gone.  That line, "Daddy, I'm hungry", it just shouts out what my heart has been screaming for three years!  In that one moment, sitting there in that sanctuary, MY Daddy (as HE always does) opened my eyes, but this time I opened them.  For the first time in a long time, I knew for a fact, for certain, what was missing.  "Daddy, I'm hungry...".   Had to repeat it time and time again because it was so sweet.  So knowing that, I urge you to stop pushing away from what God wants to do with you.  We try everyday to fill our voided hearts with senseless, society-provoked trinklets that we think will satisfy our appetite.  We are HIS creation and He gave us desire for His food, His knowledge, His pure and wholesome, nutritious GOODNESS.  Please, come to the table, eat and drink... then, "if you love Him, feed His sheep"!!

The second topic on my agenda, "Divine Romance-by Phil Wickham" (beautiful song)

This song really inspires me to live my "love life" the way that I do.  When I say that I mean, I don't seek love.... two reasons, heed them if you feel the need: 1) The Lord taught me about a year or so ago, that to love woman the way I am supposed to, I must first learn how to LOVE my Father, 2) When you love the LORD with all that is YOU, then and only then, will you be completely satisfied (in the song).
Now I'm not saying I think that loving the Lord is all that He wants for us.  He designed us to be with each other, and I totally believe that... and I am slightly pumped about the day that he gives me that chance.  Anyway, about the song. The last lines are great.  "A deep deep flood, an Ocean flows from You".... this line is the TRUTH!!! (I'm reeaaaallll pumped right now!!).  His love can be so encompassing and powerful, that it just takes you like a swift, unseen rip-current.  The only difference, is that it gives you that, adrenaline rush that makes you wanna pee your pants, not the rush that makes you feel like you'll die (but you are in a sense, dang it!  good pun!).  Anyway, I just was thinking about some of these things, thought I'd scribble them down. Enjoy. IN HIM, fo sho... 

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